Ddp Studio

"Time… nobody sees it and values it, but so much time goes into every project, also the ones that seem the most simple."

Biosofa Designers: ddp Studio's Creative Innovations
About ddp Studio

Lorenzo De Bartolomeis, Gabriele Diamanti and Filippo Poli, are three freelancers collaborating under ddpstudio brand since 2009. They come from different backgrounds (architecture, design, landscape, graphic), trying to put them together in a comprehensive poetic that fully involves the design world.

In the first year of collaboration they won the Milan Public Design Festival with the installation Bevetene Tutti; they became creative directors of the new brand Almove, designing the brand itself and the products.

In 2011 they started to collaborate with Ferrari Store, designing temporary installations on several occasions in Italy and around the world.

Ddpstudio is in charge for the restyling of Elmec corporate identity, from the brand to the fair stands. They are also involved architecture and interior projects and have been invited and awarded in architecture and design competitions.

Interview with ddp Studio

Why is sustainability important to you?
We believe that sustainability is all about the quality and the durability of a product. This means that we pay attention to the work, the prime materials and also to the production process itself. Poorly designed or poorly produced objects, even if they are made with eco sustainable materials, are in our opinion at the antipodes of what we think is a correct use of the resources that planet earth provides us with.

Has your attitude towards design changed in the last years, how do you see your evolution?
With experience we have become less innocent and more practical in our approach. We are more efficient now because we have more insight into production processes, strategic choices of enterprises, commercial constraints and the whole creation process behind the birth of a product. We are maybe more able to anticipate and avoid potential problems already from the brainstorming phase onwards.

When you designed your D3CO product, what was your ultimate goal you wanted to achieve?
There is not much that has not been already seen in the world of sofas. We aimed to rethink the object taking certain liberties, imagining it being used for casual conversation, or also a nice afternoon siesta - just as it would please ourselves.

Does form follow function?
We believe that design should respond to practical needs, but the unexpected twist is this little plus that is always expected of us designers.

How does design change the world?
A bit of modesty here - design will not change the world. Intelligent ideas, sure, but then finding those by inventing design solutions is part of our work. On the other hand design can absolutely make a contribution to elevate the relationship we have with objects. - As does Casquet, which introduces a playful dimension that can help us to see everyday life with different eyes.

What do you enjoy most about working in design?
We like to design the solution of every problem, that’s is in a certain sense a lifestyle that all members of ddpstudio have in common. The best part is paradoxically also the most exhausting one. It’s the permanent discussion of brainstormin ideas that result from brainstorming, their iterations, the feeling to make two steps forward and then three steps back. Sometimes one has to be willing to abandon ideas that seemed like the right solution, put oneself out there, take faith again, listen to the clients opinions, and finally develop the product.

What is the invisible part of your work, can you describe it to us?
Time… nobody sees it and values it, but so much time goes into every project, also the ones that seem the most simple.

What was your favorite day at work in the last few years and why?
The day right before the holidays, like back at school, in this we have not changed.

Designs by ddp Studio