Paolo Cappello
About Paolo Cappello

Born in Verona, graduated in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano.

After a three years collaboration with Ludovica+Roberto Palomba in Milan, in 2007 he setup his own studio in Verona where he collaborates with other professionals in architecture, communication and graphics.

His works have been showcased in many expositions in Rome, Milan, New York, Paris, Hangzhou, Shanghai, São Paulo, Miami, Dubai, London and Tel Aviv. Paolo also collaborates with Rolling Stone magazine writing the design column for the online edition. Paolo’s works have been featured by main international magazines and newspapers as NY Times, Herald Tribune, Abitare, Interni, Ottagono, Residence, Icon, Elle Decor, Rolling Stone.

He received many international prizes for his works, most recent ones have been:

2015 Young & Design Award with Caruso for Miniforms
2015 Young & Design Award with Tilta for SlowWood
2015 Contemporary Design Award first prize with Caruso for Miniforms
2018 Design Intelligence Award China
2018 European Product Design Award, Product Designer of the Year
2020 Cleverest Award Getclever by Archdigest Magazine

Designs by Paolo Cappello